

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Shit My Kid Says: First Edition

     Ever feel like you could fill up a book with the things your kids say because they're these little tiny people but like, they say such grown things? Or they say something totally off the wall that you have to just stare at them like they're from another planet? Or they say something so beyond their years that you have to blink a few times before realizing it came from the mouth of this tiny human?

     Every time Ariel says something like that, I have to save it to my phone's notepad. I always intend on sharing it here nearly immediately, but lets be real, I never even remember to update enough. I have a crappy bullet journal that says to update this twice a week but I can't even remember to update my bullet journal every day...or week...or month, sometimes. So yeah, I really am organized, but I'm also forgetful.

     Anyways, onto the topic of kids saying stuff. I guess I'll just jump right into that.

"Guess who I voted for? Da girl. Donald Chwump will make fun of anyone Spanish." 
Okay, I must firstly say that she was in kindergarten when she said this and we had never spoken politics around her. We had never told her who Trump even was. Or Hillary, for that matter. So, all of her knowledge of those in running for presidency had to have come from school. I just love that at that age, kids are just GOOD. They don't know hate until it's taught. Her dad and I only teach her that everyone on this Earth is equal. Nobody is better than the next person. I'm sure that's also said at her other house too. We aren't Trump supporters but we had never discussed any of it in front of her and didn't even know she was listening in on the conversation her dad and his mom (and I) were having that day but it was about the election and voting. It was around the time she started asking about things we were talking about but not directly with/to her. Smart kid, though.

"Hit his asssssss."
This one is still so cute to me. So, Johnny, Ariel and I were at the grocery store and were in line to check out. Johnny was in front, about to pay, and Ariel was standing next to the cart, and I was pushing it. So, Johnny stepped forward to pay and Ariel just stood on her tippy toes, and said to me "Hit his assssssss," whispering the last word. Not believing what I was hearing, I just chuckled and said "What?" Ariel responded with "Hit his a-s-s." I just started laughing. Then, wanting to tell Johnny, because it was hilarious, I said "Baby! Guess what Ari--" and was stopped with her saying "No, don't tell him!" I told him later on because, of course.

"Bye, Julie! I hope we can arrange a play date soon!" 
Alright, this one cracked me up. It was at Ariel's 6th birthday party last July. The kids had been swimming (we have a pool here) and as much as Ariel didn't want her best friend to leave, it was time for them to go home. I guess they had another party to go to. I couldn't believe how grown she sounded when she said that. What kid words things like that? hahaha.

"That's bullshit." 8.31.17
So, I saw this one in my notepad around a month ago and didn't remember this one at all. I can't imagine her saying it because she thinks all the bad words are bad and won't even say "freakin" along with Charlie the Unicorn when it's playing. I was sitting in the car one day a few weeks ago and it just sprang back into my memory. So, I was watching some video on Youtube and someone had said something rude or something like that. So when she said it, it wasn't to anyone but more of a reaction under her breath. Like if someone said something and it was unbelievable so that was your automatic response.

     Okay, this one isn't a picture and she didn't even do it intentionally, but one day, she got an "owee" on her finger and held it up to me like this so I could see it. So, naturally, because I'm super mature, I asked her if she could hold it there so I could take a picture. She asked why I was taking the picture and I said it was so I could show it to her so she could see it's really not that bad.

 I am a mature adult.

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